Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The rat race.

Hello readers,

Before I start my tyrade let's get one thing straight. NONE of these candidates in my oh-so-humble opinion deserve my vote.
This whole mayoral race has been a mudslinging (for lack of an appropriate term) contest; who can call the most names, or undermine their opposition in the most hurtful or personal ways.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the need to downgrade your oponent when running for a position like mayor but honestly, when is enough enough?

Click here if the picture isn't loading for a quick glance at some current poll stats

The following is a quote from a voter:
"Rob ford doesnt want Toronto to be a place for new commers and [wanting] to stop programs like meals on wheels is wrong. Rob ford's platform is not in the 21first centry, we need transit, [and] everyone should be welcome."

I must say I agree whole heartedly with the above sentiments.
Canada is a melting pot of cultural diversity that's what makes us what we are.

With that, I'll leave you to make your own decision on the matter.
But one more thing...


1 comment:

  1. I think we should all take votes into consideration because a lot of the rules and regulations made by the mayor affect us
