Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Coke fiend?

Coke or Pepsi?
The never ending debate rages further still...

You may say they're both the same but some argue the two are not alike at all.
To be fair there are some difference -subtle- but present nonetheless...
I find Pepsi a bit sweeter and not as heavy on the cinnamon taste, I could be wrong but you can go ahead and blame my pallate for that...

One thing I HATE is going to a restaurant, asking for Coke and being told "we don't carry that... is Pepsi ok?"
NO IT IS NOT! If I wanted a Pepsi I would have asked for it.

I must say I prefer Coke but I attribute that to my sister being addicted to the stuff (wait... that sounded terrible..)  and seeing zero Pepsi bottles around my house growing up.
Which do you prefer? Do you even care?


  1. I don't see way people choose one or the other,
    but if I have to say...Coke with it's sharp taste, or pepis Lime for that lime taste that can't be beat.

  2. it's like asking for nestea and they bring you brisk.. WTF is that!
